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Feeding stations

Pedro the cat should not go hungry

Feral cats are unfortunately a dime a dozen on Mallorca, or worse, like towels on the most popular bathing beach at Ballermann. Here, where tourists enjoy their holidays by the hundreds of thousands and beer, sangria and cocktails flow by the litre. Many carelessly pass the animals in caravans to the beach. The poor creatures multiply unchecked and eke out their sad existence under the brooding Majorcan sun. Often without a drop of water and without enough food. It is especially bad when new babies are born again and again and the mothers roam around in search of food, hoping that they might then have enough milk to nurse their young. We often find animals emaciated to the skin, on the verge of starvation and/or heat death. This is one of our focal points:

Targeted feeding stations, which our volunteers fill twice a day in the same places, are intended to provide food for Pedro the cat and all the other feral cats. The staff then try to build up trust with the animals with the patience of a saint, to catch the animals after weeks, to provide them with medical care, to castrate them and to mark them. Depending on whether a wild cat can be tamed or not, it is then either reintroduced to the wild or given a loving home in Germany, Austria, Spain, Holland or Switzerland. Cats that have been reintroduced into the wild are of course still free and have no owner, but thanks to neutering they can no longer reproduce unhindered. This is a very important step in our work "animal welfare at the grassroots".

For the feed as well as the veterinary costs, which amount to several thousand euros monthly donations are urgently needed. For example, with a donation of 60,- Euro we can provide 2 cats with food for one month. We have found loving vets on the island who will take over the castration, for example, for 65,- Euro.

On behalf of the animals, we thank you for your generous help.

Son Noguera

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We and the animals are happy about any help! If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you!
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